Are uterine fibroids tumor a risk for cervical, breast and endometrial (the lining of the uterus or womb) cancer?

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors found in a woman’s womb or uterus. They are known as the most common form of benign tumors in the womb but they are not cancerous. They are tumors in the smooth muscle found in the uterus’ wall.

These fibroids can grow in clusters or as a single tumor and can either attach or develop within the wall of the uterine. They are considered as one of the major causes of the removal of the uterus, also known as hysterectomy, in the United States.

Most women who have this condition aren’t aware of the fact because they don’t experience unusual symptoms. You may experience one or three of the following symptoms if you have fibroids growth: constipation, pain in the lower back, abdominal pain, painful and heavy periods, pain during sex, and frequent urination. Further complications may also lead to infertility and pregnancy problems.

Fibroids Tumor and Cervical Cancer

The uterine fibroids tumor doesn’t cause cervical cancer. The latter happens when there is an abnormal growth of the cells in the cervix or the lowest part of the womb or uterus. The invasive form of this kind of cancer affects the deeper layer of the tissues in the cervix. It also puts you at risk of experiencing metastasis where the tumor will spread throughout the body – in the rectum, vagina, bladder, liver, and lungs.

Cervical cancer develops when cervical tissue undergoes abnormal changes largely due to infection with HPV or human papillomavirus. It can also be caused by oral contraceptives intake, having multiple sexual partners, and early sexual contact, all of which increases your risk of getting exposed to HPV.

Fibroids Tumor and Breast Cancer

There was a study, which found out that having fibroids tumor puts you at a greater risk of having breast cancer. Another study backed up the idea, saying that breast cancer is most common to women who have fibroids but concluded that these women were less likely to lose their lives from the medical condition.

In addition, women with fibroids will likely develop breast cancer if they suffer from other diseases, such as obesity, noncancerous breast tumors, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Fibroids Tumor and Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer roots from the uterus, specifically in its endometrium or the lining composed of a layer of cells. This condition is sometimes referred to as uterine cancer but there are still no studies that can prove that it has anything to do with fibroids tumor.

The specific causes of endometrial cancer are still unknown. For now, it happens as a result of DNA mutations of the cells in the uterus’ lining. These mutations turn healthy cells to abnormal kinds. As a result, you will likely experience pelvic pain, bleeding between periods, and vaginal bleeding after menopause. These symptoms make it possible for cancer to get detected earlier and it is currently being cured through the surgical removal of the uterus.

While studies have already proven the link between uterine fibroids tumor and breast cancer, more researches need to be done to claim that it can also lead to cervical and endometrial cancer.