Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) vs uterine fibroids in the uterus! Can PCOS cause uterine leiomyomas tumor?

PCOS is one of the illnesses that doctors do not fully understand yet. However, they have learned enough to help women who have it.

Some studies have found out that many women who have PCOS also have uterine fibroids. It is still uncertain whether the PCOS itself causes fibroids or if PCOS checkups just make the fibroids easier to detect.

So far, it is known that PCOS is accompanied by the overproduction of testosterone. Males normally have high amounts of this hormone but women don’t. The side effect of this abnormal condition is that ovaries develop numerous cysts (polycystic).

It is also unknown what exactly causes PCOS, but as with many diseases, it is thought that genetics may have something to do with it. Excessive insulin may also cause it since it provokes the ovaries to make greater quantities of androgen hormones like testosterone.

High testosterone levels in females may be caused by a medical condition such as:

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

Adrenal Hyperplasia means the enlargement of the adrenal gland, and congenital means that the person is born with the disorder. This gland secretes several hormones that include testosterone. If it is enlarged, it will produce more amounts of hormones that may cause complications somewhere.


Hirsutism is a disease characterized by abnormal hair growth in women, causing them to have thick beards, mustaches, and body hair. It is a sign that there are excessive amounts of testosterone in the body, which may be caused by numerous things such as a diseased thyroid gland, an overactive adrenal cortex, some medications, and cancer.

There are people who are more likely to have fibroids:

  • Pregnant women
  • Those with relatives who have fibroids
  • Women aged 30 or above
  • African-American females
  • Overweight or obese individuals

Uterine fibroids also grow in the presence of an oversupply of other hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones normally increase during pregnancy, so pregnant mothers may develop fibroids, especially during the first trimester when there is a surge of these hormones. Thankfully, if the women do acquire fibroids because of pregnancy, they will tend to shrink when the pregnancy is over.

Being overweight may cause problems with metabolism, which may cause hormonal imbalances that may eventually trigger PCOS. This is why women with PCOS are advised to reduce their weight and have a healthier, fiber-rich diet.

Can PCOS cause uterine leiomyomas tumor?

PCOS is defined as noncancerous growths that may go away without requiring any kind of treatment. Very rarely (less than one in a thousand cases), these fibroids may become cancerous.

The link between fibroids and tumors are not yet certain. It is still possible that the fibroids have coincided with the tumor because of other factors, and not because the fibroid turned into a tumor.

There are treatments for PCOS, uterine fibroids, and leiomyomas tumor whatever may have caused it. The doctor will find out what may be contributing to the conditions and conduct procedures that will help reduce or eliminate the factors. He or she will also provide treatments that will help provide comfort.