Can Ayurveda cure uterine fibroids? What are the best natural Ayurvedic home remedies to dissolve big uterine leiomyomas?

Ayurvedic medicine is an age-old natural, “whole-body” or holistic healing system that finds its roots in ancient India. It says that physical and mental health depends on the ability to maintain a delicate balance between spirit, mind, and body.

Ayurveda sees disease as a result of stress or imbalance in one’s consciousness. If a person gets sick, he stands a good chance of regaining his health if he practices natural therapies and makes lifestyle changes to get his balance back.

Ayurveda remains one of India’s most popular health care systems. It is becoming increasingly popular in the West where is it seen as an effective form of alternative or complementary medicine.

What is the Ayurvedic Medicine’s Approach to Uterine Fibroids?

According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are many ways to lose your natural balance. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, and other similar lifestyle habits, stress, environmental toxins, and other factors destabilize the nervous system and disturb hormonal balance. They lead to the formation of metabolic residue and toxins.

When you allow toxins to build up in your system, you lay your body open to disorder and disease. You allow impurities to collect in the tissues. You obstruct the channels of circulation. You make it difficult for your body to continue with its natural cleansing processes.

Ayurvedic medicine looks at uterine fibroids as a result of this toxic buildup. When toxins accumulate in the reproductive organ, they irritate the area and promote the growth of abnormal tissues or fibroids.

What are the Best Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies to Dissolve Big Uterine Leiomyomas?

If you want to cure uterine leiomyomas through Ayurveda, apply a holistic approach. Restore balance to the entire body and bring its natural healing and regulatory functions back into harmony.

Stop creating more impurities. Get rid of existing toxins in your body. Promote better circulation and increase your resistance to infections and ailments. Reduce anxiety and create harmony.

When you take the Ayurveda approach to healing uterine fibroids, use a holistic integrated program to help balance your hormones and enhance immunity.  Seek to restore your body’s natural purifying, healing, and self-repair functions.

You take all these steps not only to cure existing fibroids but also to prevent future ailments, support the proper functioning of your reproductive system, and achieve long-term health and well-being.

An Ayurvedic treatment plan to dissolve big uterine leiomyomas includes cleansing or detoxification (“panchakarma”). This internal purification process is aimed at getting rid of toxins, reducing symptoms, and restoring balance and harmony.

Home remedies include fasting, as well as the use of laxatives or enemas, herbal preparations, common spices, medicinal oils, and massage therapy.

An Ayurvedic treatment plan to cure uterine fibroids includes a special diet that is primarily plant-based. This diet includes fruits and vegetables with vibrant colors, whole grains, beans and lentils, quinoa, couscous, dried and fresh herbs, bread and pasta made from whole grain, and other unprocessed and fiber-rich food. It also includes milk and dairy products that are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium – nutrients believed to prevent inflammation.

An Ayurvedic treatment plan also includes regular exercise, yoga, massage therapy, and meditation to help manage stress.

These Ayurveda natural home remedies help prevent or alleviate the symptoms of uterine fibroids.  It goes without saying, though, that it is best to consult a doctor who has substantial training in conventional medicine. Ayurveda works best when it is used to complement and support standard medical care.