Is homeopathic medicine effective at dissolving big uterine fibroids?

Homeopathy or homeopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that finds its origin 200 years ago in Germany. It is widely considered to be an unconventional medical system.

It is founded on two unusual theories:

“Like cures like”

According to homeopathy, something that generates symptoms or signs of illness in a healthy individual can be used – in really small doses – to cure an ailment that has similar symptoms.

For instance, when you have allergies, your eyes become itchy, red, inflamed, and watery.  Red onion causes your eyes to water. This is why red onion is used in homeopathic formulations that treat allergies.

“Law of minimum dose”

According to homeopathy, even small amounts of natural medications can activate the body’s natural healing process. In fact, homeopathy claims that you get better results by using the lowest dosage. Because of this theory, some homeopathic products are so watered down that they barely have any of the original substance’s molecules.

Some homeopathic products come from animals (like crushed whole bees). Others come from minerals (like white arsenic). Still others come from plants (like poison ivy, deadly night shade or belladonna, mountain herb or arnica, and red onion). These products come in the form of tablets, drops, gels, creams, or sugar pellets.

Homeopathy takes a highly individualized approach.  Treatments (and their duration) vary from patient to patient. They take into account the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional health and are tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Even if two individuals have the same medical condition, they may get dissimilar treatments.

Homeopathic Treatment for Uterine Fibroid

Homoeopathic practitioners claim that homoeopathic remedies are effective for dissolving big uterine fibroids. They say that these treatments shrink fibroids and balance hormone levels.

Homeopathic remedies are natural. They have no side effects; they are safe to use. Moreover, because it uses a holistic approach, homeopathy not only addresses the discomforts associated with uterine fibroids; it also improves the general health and well-being of the patient.

Homeopathic remedies used for dissolving uterine fibroids include Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris, Fraxinus Americana, Ustilago Maydis, Sabina Officinalis, Calcarea Carbonica, and Trillium Pendulum.

These remedies shrink fibroids naturally and help patients avoid surgical procedures.

Does Homeopathy Work to Cure Fibroids?

Studies vary. Some research shows that the homeopathic approach helps cure fibroids while others say otherwise.

The non-believers say that patients who respond positively to homeopathic treatments experience the placebo effect. Treatments seem to be working – not because they really are, but because the patients believe they are working. When a patient believes in a positive outcome, his brain releases chemicals that can temporarily relieve the symptoms.

Doctors are at odds about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for dissolving uterine fibroids. Many scientists don’t see how the remedies can work when they don’t even have a significant amount of the active ingredients.

If you are thinking about using homeopathic remedies to cure your fibroids, play it safe. Bring the product to your doctor and have him take a look at it. He can help you find out if the product complements conventional health care for uterine fibroids or if it poses a serious threat to your health. He can help you make a well-informed decision about taking homeopathic remedies for uterine fibroids.