Is the juice of the aloe vera plant effective at eliminating uterine fibroids in the uterus?

Eliminating Uterine Fibroids through Aloe Vera Juice and Other Natural Supplements

Through the years, aloe vera juice has grown in popularity as a way to ease the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence on its effectiveness, its still one of the most common recommendations when it comes to natural remedies for fibroids in the uterus. There are plenty of brands of aloe vera juice in various formulations and packaging in the market today.  Choosing the right product for you depends on your specific condition and several other health factors including your lifestyle and other ailments.

The Aloe Vera Plant

The aloe vera plant has been around for many years and has been lauded as a natural remedy for a number of health and beauty concerns. A member of the succulent family, this spiky plant can be found in tropical countries and locations all around the world.

In historical text, aloe vera has been referred to as the ‘plant of immortality’ particularly during the time of Egyptian pharaohs.  Other references to this plant include ‘burn plant’, ‘elephant’s gall’, and ‘lily of the desert’.

The healing properties of aloe vera have been found to benefit a number of skin conditions such as burns, acne, and psoriasis. This plant is also used to relieve heartburn and lower blood sugar levels. It is also known to treat constipation and other digestive problems.

The plant’s gel found inside the leaves and the yellow pulp of the underside of the leaves are often used either as topical treatments or as oral preparations. The most common formulations are aloe vera gel capsules and aloe vera juice.

Fibroids and Aloe Vera

When it comes to natural treatments for many gynecological issues, aloe vera is often one of the options presented by doctors and health practitioners alike. Aloe vera, both in gel and juice formulations, is known to be effective in shrinking uterine fibroids.

The effectiveness of aloe vera in shrinking fibroids is attributed by doctors to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobic properties. Along with aloe vera formulations, other natural remedies are likewise recommended to be taken for a more effective treatment program.

There are some who would advice women to grow their own aloe vera plant to use in treating their fibroids the natural way. It’s easy enough to grow and maintain this plant at home provided that you have a warm and dry environment. It also does not take up much space and you can grow it in a shallow pot right on your windowsill.

Choosing the Right Aloe Vera Product

Before you go out and buy aloe vera juice to ease your fibroids symptoms, make sure that you consult with your doctor. He should be able to recommend the right products for you or at least give you tips on what kind of aloe vera juice to buy.

As a general rule, do not buy any aloe vera product without doing your research first. Check that you are getting your product from a reputable and legitimate manufacturer. Make sure that you not buying an adulterated or contaminated product.

Read the labels carefully and buy only products that contain aloe vera juice in its purest form to treat your uterine fibroids. Any other ingredients contained in the product should be essential to the formulation and safe for your consumption.