How to use ginger tea and raw garlic powder to shrink and get rid of uterine fibroids in the uterus?

Teas for Healing: Ginger Tea and Garlic Powder to Get Rid of Uterine Fibroids

When women are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, medical treatment is not usually recommended unless there are serious symptoms that affect daily life. For most cases, natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help shrink and get rid of fibroids in the uterus are recommended. Ginger tea and garlic powder are two of the most effective natural ingredients for treating this condition.

The Nature of Fibroids

Several factors can lead to the development of fibroids in the uterus. This condition is usually a symptomatic. However, when these tumors on the uterine wall could grow to a size that could put pressure on the surrounding organs. When this happens and patients start to feel discomfort and pain, they start looking for relief and treatment.

The common treatments are not always medical in nature. There is often no need to go through any form of surgery. The first recourse after being diagnosed with uterine fibroids are home treatments and natural methods. Some home remedies have been found to be effective in shrinking fibroids in the uterus and easing the pain and discomfort.

Healing Properties of Ginger Tea and Garlic Powder

Ginger and garlic are two natural ingredients that are popular in home remedies for various health conditions and ailments including fibroids. Ginger  Many patients find it easy enough to include these ingredients in their everyday diet. Another reason why patients go for these natural remedies is because they are inexpensive and readily available.

Ginger reduces inflammation and relieves pain, while garlic helps to restore hormonal balance. These ingredients can be used on their own or in combination with other ingredients for an effective fibroids cure.

Drinking for Healing

While chewing on raw cloves of garlic is the most natural way to benefit from the ingredient’s healing properties, there are other ways to consume garlic to shrink fibroids in the uterus. Taking tea made from garlic powder and adding garlic powder to vegetable juices and smoothies are two common options. These are preferred by people who cannot stand the strong taste and flavor of raw garlic.

Ginger, on the other hand, can be made from either raw ginger or from ginger powder. You can make ready-to-drink ginger tea by boiling peeled and sliced ginger root in water. You can boil as much as you can drink in a day or perhaps even a couple of days. Put them in drinking bottles and put them in the fridge so you can drink your cold ginger tea 3 to 4 times in a day. You can also easily bring a bottle or two of your ginger tea with you on-the-go.

If you do not want to “brew” your own tea, it’s just as convenient to use ginger powder. Just mix the right proportion of powder to water and enjoy your tea.

Real Stories from Real Women

Not a lot of scientific studies have proven that these two natural home remedies are indeed helpful in shrinking fibroids in the uterus and easing the symptoms. However, many real women have real stories to tell about how they experienced the benefits first-hand. For those who are not willing to take the risks that come with some medical treatments, using ginger tea and garlic powder is a good way to shrink and get rid of uterine fibroids.