How to use organic turmeric to heal uterine fibroids? What dosage to eat to get the best health benefits to shrink uterine leiomyomas?

Shrinking Uterine Fibroids Using Organic Turmeric

It is quite common for women in their 50s to have uterine fibroids. While there are no serious complications associated with having these benign tumors in your uterine walls, it would do you well to take steps to shrink your fibroids before they grow and cause pain and discomfort. One of the easiest ways is to use organic turmeric. This wonder ingredient also comes with a host of other health benefits.

Not Just Another Spice in Your Pantry Cabinet

Turmeric is a strong spice that’s often used in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking. It is most popular for its use in curries and mustards. What many do not know is that it has been used for many years for its health benefits. It contains the chemical curcumin that’s used in cosmetics and in various topical and oral medication.

This natural ingredient is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It treats chronic inflammation and helps prevent various serious diseases and ailments. It effectively fights the inflammation and shrinks uterine leiomyomas. It also protects the body from premature aging caused by free radicals.

Taking the Right Dose

The concentration of curcumin in organic turmeric is not that high. It is not possible to experience its benefits just by adding the spice to the food you consume. You need a higher dose to take advantage of this ingredient’s full potency.

It is not recommended, however, that you take more than the required dose. There is no benefit from consuming more of this spice to shrink uterine leiomyomas. In fact, it could even be harmful to consume more than 3000 mg of curcumin daily.

The recommended dosage of organic turmeric extracts is 445 mg three times in a day. You can be sure of your dosing when you take turmeric extract capsules for your uterine fibroids. These extracts also come in powder form that you can dilute in water. Turmeric water can be prepared by boiling 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder in 32 ounces of water and then steeping it for 40 minutes.

Using Organic Turmeric for Better Health

Organic turmeric is widely available from online stores as well as from your local health shops and pharmacies. You have to make sure that you get your extracts from reputable sources to ensure quality and potency. Make sure that you read the labels and check that the products you are buying contain the right amount of curcumin and none of the potentially dangerous additives.

You can only experience benefits from taking organic turmeric extracts to shrink your uterine leiomyomas when the products that you consume contain the right dose. You would be putting yourself at risk when you take products that are not properly formulated or that contain other ingredients that could be more harmful for the body.

As with anything that you consume to treat your uterine fibroids or any other health condition, you have to make sure that you consult your doctor first. You could have other conditions or you might already be taking medications that could adversely be affected by taking turmeric extracts. This is especially necessary if you are pregnant or breast-feeding or if you have gallbladder problems or stomach disorders.