How long do uterine fibroids last? How much time does it take to reduce uterine leiomyomas naturally?

How Long Do You Have to Deal with Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids is not really life-threatening and you should not have to worry about it so much unless you have symptoms. In fact, you could easily avoid the symptoms by treating your uterine leiomyomas naturally. Nearly 80% of women who are aged 30-40 years (generally childbearing age) is estimated to have fibroids or tumors in their uterus.

The Development of Leiomyomas

It is not known exactly what causes leiomyomas or why these benign tumors in the uterus develop. Experts do agree that hormonal balance as well as genetics have something to do with the development of fibroids. This is also why these tumors are believed to last until menopause if left untreated.

Based on research, leiomyomas form when a stem cell in the myometrium repeatedly multiplies. The new cells eventually forms one or several growths on the uterine surfaces. They develop through the years and could last throughout your lifetime, but they usually become smaller after menopause.

You could already have fibroids and not know about it. Many patients only discover their fibroids when they have symptoms like irregular bleeding and pain. They can also be ‘accidentally’ discovered during a pelvic exam by your OB-gynecologist. Other tests that can be ordered to diagnose fibroids include a pelvic ultrasound and an MRI.

Reducing Leiomyomas Naturally

More important than knowing how long uterine fibroids last is knowing how to keep them from developing and, if you already have them, how to keep them from growing and causing symptoms. If you are lucky, your fibroids could disappear on their own. Each case is different depending on the patient’s condition and so there is really no telling how long fibroids last or how long it would take for you to reduce the size of leiomyomas.

You want to know how to reduce your leiomyomas naturally in the most non-invasive way possible. The best way to reduce uterine leiomyomas naturally is through diet and exercise. Although there are no guarantees as to how long it would take to reduce your fibroids through these natural means, many patients have experienced successful results by making changes in the way they eat and by adopting a more active lifestyle.

Counting the Days

Your doctor would be the best person to tell you what to expect when it comes to treating your fibroids naturally or through medications. Unless you are experiencing intense symptoms, it would help to be patient with yourself and your body in treating your fibroids. Remember that stress adversely affects your overall well-being and how your body deals with ‘abnormal’ issues like fibroids.

While some symptoms could easily be relieved by natural treatments, you cannot expect to get rid of fibroids overnight. It takes time to get rid of leiomyomas naturally. How much time the treatment takes depending on the size and location of the tumor and your general health condition. Stick to your treatment plan and always keep your doctor updated. Follow your doctor’s instructions and advice to avoid having to deal with the symptoms of uterine fibroids longer than you have to.