Top raw super foods to eat in and nutriments to avoid in order to shrink uterine fibroids in uterus fast!

Top Raw Super Foods to Shrink Uterine Fibroids Fast

Not everyone pays attention to what they eat although it is a known fact that diet affects overall health. A lot of health problems like uterine fibroids can be prevented and eased by eating the right kinds of food and nutrients. Nutritionists would also often tell you that some foods are best eaten raw to give you maximum benefits.

If you want to shrink fibroids in the uterus fast, try eating these top raw super foods:

  1. Apples – an apple a day could indeed keep the doctor, and many illnesses, away. That’s because this superfood is high in antioxidants that boost the body’s metabolic processes. It prevents tumor growth through its phloretin content. Apples also support liver function and helps prevent estrogen dominance. Eaten raw, they provide a low calorie high fiber snack that packs in the nutrients but not the weight. Grab an apple or two for on-the-go snacking or slice them up to add a juicy crunch to your salads.
  2. Broccoli – this deep green superfood flushes out toxins and harmful chemicals from the body. It promotes heart health and reduces tumor growth. Its high fiber content improves digestive health as well. Toss them up with other veggies and whole wheat pasta and drizzle with vinaigrette for a healthy anti-fibroids salad.
  3. Tomatoes – these brightly colored plump and juicy vegetables give you a huge dose of the antioxidant lycopene. They arm the body for protecting nerve tissues and fighting cancers. The high potassium content of tomatoes also benefits your heart and helps maintain your blood pressure. You can eat tomatoes raw in salads and sandwiches, enjoy them in dips and salsas, or as toppings for toast, bruschetta, or crackers.
  4. Spinach – this raw superfood does not only give power to Popeye. Eating this dark leafy green provides your body with more than a dozen anti-cancer anti-inflammatory flavonoids. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and a host of essential vitamins to restore hormonal balance and shrink uterine fibroids Toss your spinach with other greens for a refreshing salad.
  5. Kiwi – this small and simple fruit packs more antioxidants than many other fruits and vegetables. It contains loads of vitamin C for stronger immune system. It promotes more efficient digestion and prevents constipation. It also gives the body a good sweep to remove harmful toxins that could cause the growth of fibroids.

This short list of the top raw super foods to eat to shrink fibroids shows you that it is not difficult at all to find the right foods and incorporate them in your diet. These are everyday foods that are available in your produce market. Since they’re best eaten raw, your do not even have to exert a lot of effort preparing them or adding them to your meals.

To fully benefit from a healthy diet, however, you have to take note of a few foods and nutrients that you have to avoid. Among the top no-nos are sodium, sugar, and red meat. These are known to trigger and aggravate uterine fibroids. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes too.