Are citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwi and lemon or lime water any good for uterine fibroids in the uterus?

Tart and Tangy Treats to Give Your Uterine Fibroids Diet a Boost

In most places, a healthy fruit platter will not be complete without citrus fruits. These tangy fruits are considered to be staples not only because of their flavor and nutritional content, but also because of their availability, affordability, and versatility. Eaten daily, they give the body the much needed boost to fight against a lot of health concerns like uterine fibroids.

Loading up (but not overloading) on citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwi, and lemon is good for your uterine health. Here’s why:

  1. They are rich in vitamin C – this powerful antioxidant protects the body from damage and aging. It makes the immune system stronger and helps fight infections. Citrus fruits are among your best sources of vitamin C. You can satisfy your daily RDA of vitamin C from one or two medium sized oranges. Other citrus fruits like kiwi, lemon, and lime can increase your vitamin C intake too to help shrink fibroids in the uterus.
  2. They are high in potassium – this nutrient is essential for maintaining heart health which is highly advisable to manage fibroids in the uterus. In a Japanese study, a diet with more citrus fruits resulted in lower incidences of heart disease. The potassium in citrus fruits also keep blood pressure levels within normal limits. This is primarily done by counteracting the effects of the sodium content in the food that you eat.
  3. They have a low GI score – high carbs-high sugar diets have been linked to fibroids. Excess sugar intake from the consumption of refined carbs and ‘hidden’ sugars in food can cause blood sugar level and insulin spikes that cause weight gain and fibroids growth. Eating low GI foods like citrus fruits to avoid adding more sugar to your diet. Take note, however, that fruit juices contain more sugar than whole raw citrus fruits.
  4. They are high in fiber – another benefit of eating citrus fruits raw is that they are high in fiber. They aid digestion like pineapples do and sweep toxins out of the body. Additionally, they help maintain hormonal balance and steady blood sugar levels. As citrus fruits have a higher soluble to insoluble fiber ratio, they are more beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels. Oranges and kiwis are particularly high in fiber.
  5. They are fat-, sodium-, and cholesterol-free – without the fat, salt, and cholesterol, how can citrus fruits not be good for uterine fibroids? You can have citrus fruits in your daily diet and not worry about aggravating your fibroids condition. They are low in calories too so you can stop worrying about packing on excess weight when you eat more citrus fruits.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Any excess is flushed out of your body so you do not have to worry about ‘overdosing.’ However, eating too much citrus fruits is not entirely free of side effects. You may experience discomfort (i.e. abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea among others) if you take more than the maximum limit of 2000 mg of this vitamin. Generally, the recommended intake is at least 70 mg per day. Take a little bit more to to experience relief from your uterine fibroids symptoms.