Do large uterine fibroids cause pain on your side along with severe upper and lower back pain?

Where It Hurts: The Pain of Uterine Fibroids

It can be difficult to live with the effects of having uterine fibroids. This is especially true for fibroids that are rather large. When the fibroids (also called tumors or leiomyomas) start affecting the areas surrounding the uterus, pain can be expected. Sometimes, the pain is low grade and tolerable. There are times, however, when the pain could prevent you from going on about your everyday tasks.

If you are diagnosed with fibroids, you have to talk to your doctor about where you could possibly experience pain and what you should do to get relief. You also have to discuss the red flags that would tell you that you need to see your doctor again. You could go further and ask about the worst case scenario too so you can mull over and consider future treatment options as well.

Pain on Your Side and Back

Fibroids would most often cause pain in the abdominal area. The effects of fibroids are what cause pain on your side along with severe upper and lower back pain. For instance, the constipation caused by fibroids could lead to lower pack pain. When the fibroids affect the ureter and the kidneys, you may feel pain along your side.

You may not feel constant pain on your side along with your upper and lower back. The severity might vary too as your fibroids grow over time and other symptoms could arise. Some women who experience moderate side and back pain due to uterine fibroids either just get used to the pain or experience relief right away when they reach menopause shortly after. For severe pain, it is always recommended to see your doctor immediately.

Relief and Treatment

Pain is likely to be felt when the size of the tumors or leiomyomas is such that they put pressure on other organs or other parts around the uterus. The first solution to side pain along with severe upper and lower back pain would be to take pain medication.

The next option would be to find a way to reduce the size of the fibroids. Here’s where you will get a mix of advice ranging from home remedies and natural cures to lifestyle change and hormone therapy. It’s usually a combination of different methods that yields successful results.

The worst case scenario would require more invasive (and expensive) treatments and procedures. Surgery could be recommended for more permanent results. The procedures do not take a lot of time to prepare for, undergo, and recover from. While this is so, they will still require you to refrain from your normal activities for at least a few days or weeks.

Do Not Take Pain for Granted

It is not wise to ignore any kind of pain or discomfort that you feel on your side and back, or any other part of your body for that matter. Seek help right away. Don’t think that you might just be wasting your time going to the doctor for something as ‘normal’ as a side or back pain.

Be thankful if your doctor tells you that what you are experiencing is just the normal ‘it’s-been-a-long-day-and-my-body-is-tired’ side or back pain. If it’s something more serious, then you are lucky to have found out right away so you can get the treatment that you need for your side and back pain due to uterine fibroids.