Can uterine fibroids make you feel nauseous and cause vomiting and dizziness?

Can Uterine Fibroids Make You Feel Nauseous

Everyone feels nauseous from time to time. Vomiting and dizziness are common sensations even for those who are not seriously ill. You experience these, you might think that they will resolve on their own and your stomach and head will get back to normal. These, however, can be symptoms of various illnesses and conditions including uterine fibroids. You will to continue feeling nauseous along with other symptoms unless you address the root cause of your vomiting and dizziness.

Understanding the Sensations

Women who have fibroids may or may not suffer from symptoms or feel pain and discomfort. The twisting of fibroids could cause the patient to feel nauseous. The same is true when fibroids grow or degenerate at a rapid rate.

Those who experience heavy bleeding as a symptom of uterine leiomyomas are at risk of having nausea at some point. They may feel dizzy and have the urge to vomit. These sensations are not caused by the fibroids themselves but by the anemia that often results from the heavy bleeding.

It is rather common for women who have leiomyomas to experience painful and heavy periods. The flow of menstruation is too heavy that it soaks up a sanitary pad within as short as an hour. This is medically referred to as abnormal uterine bleeding or menorrhagia. The loss of blood leads to anemia and causes nausea.

The pain of secondary dysmenorrhea (similar to menstrual cramps) caused by fibroids can also cause vomiting. This kind of pain can be sharp and burning or dull and throbbing. The pain can radiate through the hips and lower back right down to the inner thighs.

Caring for Your Reproductive System

It is important for women to be more conscious of their reproductive health especially if they are at risk of developing fibroids. These could affect their fertility and their quality of life. Regular visits to the OB-gynecologist is ideal for early detection of symptoms and to prevent further growth of fibroids.

Eating a diet that’s known to be good for maintaining uterine health has also been found to be effective for many women. This means eating more healthy greens and fruits and avoiding red meat and fatty food. A diet that’s high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals is good for balancing the hormones and preventing them from causing the growth of fibroids. Immunity boosters will also protected the body from toxins that could harm the uterus.

Being young should not be a reason for not paying more attention to your health. Once a woman reaches child-bearing age, she becomes a ‘candidate’ for fibroids. When tumors start growing in her uterus, she could end up living with the symptoms until she reaches menopause.

Uterine fibroids could persist for a long time and when they worsen, they could drastically affect quality of life. They might not be life threatening, but they can be a threat to the way you live your life. Free yourself from nausea and all other symptoms of fibroids by caring for your uterus and being more mindful of your overall health.