Can uterine fibroids rupture, burst or explode and start to leak microscopic blood in the urine?

Uterine Fibroids Rupture: Fact or Myth

It scary enough to hear that you might have tumors in your uterus, what more to hear that they can rupture or explode? Before you get alarmed, uterine fibroids are not cancerous tumors nor do they burst and leak. Although you might find articles that tell you otherwise, it is wiser and safer for you to do more research, validate, and clarify whatever information you find about fibroids.

What are Fibroids

Fibroids in the uterus are abnormal growths that are found within the uterus or in its outside walls. These growths are fibrous and dense. It is possible  You can have fibroids and not have any symptoms at all. Those who have symptoms, however, go through a considerable amount of discomfort and pain.

It is not known exactly what causes fibroids, but there are factors that have been identified to be closely linked to the development of these tumors. The main factors are diet, genetics, and hormones. Other aggravating factors include lifestyle factors and diseases like hypertension.

What Happens to Fibroids Over Time

The presence of fibroids that are large enough to pose any risk is usually detected through a physical exam. Medical experts estimate that these detectable tumors are only about a third of the fibroids growth in every patient.

Patients do not have to worry about fibroids tumors in the uterus turning into cancer. They also do not make a patient more predisposed to developing uterine cancer. In extreme cases, however, the discomfort and pain brought about by the symptoms – usually heavy bleeding and pelvic pain – could be debilitating and unbearable. Anemia and infertility are among the most serious effects of having uterine fibroids.

Can Fibroids Leak Blood

Since fibroids are not usually taken out even if they are detected, some patients worry about what could happen to these tumors inside their bodies. Some wonder if these fibroids could possibly rupture and leak blood internally. Concerns have been raised about microscopic blood leaking into their urine and causing even more serious ailments.

They composition of fibroids do not make it possible for these growths to burst. They are dense and do not contain any fluid nor blood. It is not like a water-filled balloon and more like a solid rubber ball. There are articles and medical texts, however, that do mention ‘ruptured fibroids.’

Experts further explain that rather than ‘bursting’ or ‘exploding,’ what the term ‘ruptured fibroids’ actually refers to is the degeneration of the tumors. This usually happens when the blood supply that feeds the growths becomes insufficient or is blocked. In some instances, the tumors could twist and even tear away from the uterine walls. But, fibroids in the uterus cannot explode and start to leak microscopic blood into the urine.

Get Help Before It’s Too Late

Ruptured fibroids can cause a great deal of pain. You do not have to endure this pain if you seek medical help right away to treat your fibroid tumors in your uterus. Do not wait until your symptoms become severe and affect your life. You can do something about your uterine fibroids with the help of your doctor. Regular check-ups with your primary health care provider and OB-gynecologist is recommended for early detection and treatment of uterine fibroids.