Can uterine fibroids make you tired, feel sick and pee a lot?

Investigating Common Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

You could be feeling too tired or sick lately, pee a lot, feel pain in your pelvic area, and have achy legs among many other ‘unusual’ sensations that make your daily tasks less enjoyable. Don’t just chalk it up to your demanding task list, stressful environment, and hectic calendar. These common complaints are symptoms of uterine fibroids. You do not have to simply endure them and wait for them to go away as you go through your daily routine.

Hidden Fibroids

For many women, fibroids do not cause symptoms and complications. Unless they grow to a larger size, you would not suspect that you have them. If at all, the sensations that you feel are easy to dismiss as a result of your regular activities. You could start feeling more intense symptoms when you have tumors 5 centimeters in size or bigger. Most of the time, it is only when the fibroids are this size when they are detected. Smaller fibroids remain ‘hidden’ until they are inadvertently discovered in a routine pelvic exam or an imaging test for some other health concern.

What Fibroids Do to Your Body

The pressure that fibroids exert on your other internal body parts that causes the discomfort, pain, and other side effects. Their location inside the uterus or along the outside walls determines what organs they affect and what consequent symptoms you are likely to feel.

Uterine fibroids can be large enough to put pressure on the bladder and the rectum. In cases like this, you tend to pee a lot. The opposite can happen too when the fibroids pinch the passages of pee and poop. You may have difficulties emptying your bladder and bowels.

When fibroids grow on the uterine walls inside the womb, the most common effect is heavy bleeding during and between periods. It is this symptom that usually makes you tired from the loss of blood. Aside from the physical and emotional pain that you experience when it seems like buckets of blood are coming out of your privates, this symptom causes you to have anemia and experience weakness, fatigue, nausea, and frequent dizziness.

What You Can Do to Your Fibroids

Many women who felt tired and sick all the time and who had bladder and bowel problems were not aware that fibroids were causing their condition. Do not disregard these symptoms especially if they are making life difficult for you. Have yourself checked and diagnosed by a gynecologist. Then, you can discuss your treatment options so you can decide on which one would be best for you. You could have your fibroids removed surgically or you can try other non-invasive treatments like medications, therapies, and natural remedies.

It is not impossible to treat or manage fibroids and your condition is not entirely hopeless. You can still reclaim your life from the restrictions of bodily aches and pains due to fibroids. Pay better attention to what your body is telling you so you can take steps to feel better soon and enjoy your life as you should without the unnecessary pain and discomfort from uterine fibroids.