What is the best gluten free diet for uterine fibroids in the uterus consist of? Will it work to banish uterine leiomyomas?

Gluten is a group of proteins. They occur with starch.  Gluten can be found in wheat, rye, barley and oats, among others.

Gluten free diet is a food plan that doesn’t contain any food items that has gluten. The diet is recommended for people with gluten allergies, celiac diseases, and even uterine fibroids.

Fibroids are benign (or non-cancerous) tumors that grow outside or inside of the uterus. It can also grow on the lining of the uterine wall.  Two known causes are hormonal imbalance and genetics.

The levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone can increase if gluten is present. This is because of the starch and sugar that come with it.

Gluten free diets improve health, aid in weight loss, and increase energy.

What does the best gluten free diet consist of?

  • Vegetables like bell peppers, green beans, radishes, squash, and mushrooms
  • Fruits including pears, oranges, grape fruit, berries, and bananas
  • Beans, seeds, and nuts that are not processed
  • Lean and unprocessed meats, fish, and poultry
  • Eggs
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Herbs and spices

The following are grains that can be included in the diet:

Millet, Cornmeal, Arrowroot, Amaranth, Quinoa, Rice, Soy and Corn

Gluten-free flours like rice, soy, potato, bean and corn is also okay to use.

Gluten free diet plan options


  • Omelet with vegetables
  • Banana berry smoothie

Ingredients for banana berry smoothie:

½ cup mixed berries

½ medium banana

¼ cup milk

¼ cup of Greek yogurt

  • Mushroom and zucchini frittata
  • Two poached eggs with a slice of gluten-free bread


  • Tuna and boiled egg salad or
  • Chicken salad dressed in olive oil or
  • Chicken salad wrap (using gluten-free wrapper)
  • Quinoa salad with sliced cucumber, avocado, spinach and tomatoes


  • Shrimp skewers with garden salad
  • Baked salmon with baked carrots, green beans, potatoes, and broccoli
  • Roasted chicken and vegetables with quinoa salad
  • Garlic shrimp with a garden salad
  • Grilled lamb served with roasted vegetables

Benefits of Gluten Free diets

  • It aids in weight loss

This is beneficial for those who want to undergo surgery to remove their fibroids. Some doctors may require a patient to lose excess weight prior to undergoing the procedure.

It also helps shrink the fibroid.

  • Can boost energy

Women with fibroids experience discomfort and pain.  They also feel tired most of the time. This prevents them from working. Gluten free diets help reduce the fatigue they feel.

  • It helps reduce inflammation

Fibroids can be as small as grapes but can grow to the size of a watermelon. This causes inflammation and irritation on the uterine walls.

Having foods with no gluten helps reduce the inflammation.

  • It also helps reduce bloating

Bloating or the stomach girth getting bigger is caused by a fibroid growing.

Gluten causes the increase of hormones that affect the growth of fibroids. If you take in foods that have no gluten, then the fibroids will not grow bigger.

A gluten-free diet can help reduce the size of the fibroids. It can only eliminate uterine fibroids that are small (grape size).