Are Depo Provera (medroxy progesterone acetate) injections effective at controlling heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids?

Depo Provera for Uterine Fibroids

Treating uterine fibroids is not usually necessary. However, for some women who experience severe symptoms, there are medications and natural methods that may be recommended for relief. To control the heavy bleeding that usually occurs with this condition, Depo Provera or medroxy progesterone acetate injections are often considered. Like any other medication, there are pros and cons to using these injections for fibroids.

What is Depo Provera

The brand Depo Provera is known as a contraceptive formulation that works on the hormones. It essentially stops ovulation and causes the mucus lining in the cervix to thicken.

Depo Provera injections are prescribed as alternatives to daily birth control pills and contraceptive devices. Among the benefits of these injections are reduced cramping and pain during menstruation, decreased menstrual bleeding, and reduced risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Managing the Symptoms of Fibroids in the Uterus

There are no claims that Depo Provera can decrease the size of uterine fibroids or get rid of the growths entirely. The contraceptive injections were found by users to be are helpful in easing symptoms such as bloating, heavy bleeding, and pelvic pain.

Women who use Depo Provera experienced some amount of relief from symptoms within 90 days from taking their first shot. Succeeding shots are given every 90 days. After a year of taking the shots, many women stop having their period.

As an added benefit, taking Depo Provera to control heavy bleeding due to fibroids in the uterus helps prevent anemia and fatigue that are associated with low hemoglobin levels.

The Downside

No woman, no matter how desperate for relief she is, should decide to take these contraceptive shots without full knowledge of all the possible effects. Some patients have reported adverse effects while taking the shots and after stopping their treatment. Depending on the patient’s specific symptoms and severity of condition, these effects may either be avoided or managed.

Among the common complaints about Depo Provera shots is its effect on the woman’s ability to reproduce. It should be stressed that these are contraceptive shots. They help control bleeding because they stop the patient from ovulating. The patient will eventually not have her period and she cannot get pregnant. Other side effects while taking the contraceptive shots are occasional spotting, slight hair thinning, and weight gain.

More serious effects were reported by women who stopped getting their Depo Provera shots. The hormonal effect of the shots is not permanent. When the progesterone boost stops, the body struggles to restore reproductive function. In the process, hormonal chaos occur and a host of symptoms are experienced post-Depo Provera.

How Effective are Depo Provera Shots

When it comes to bleeding due to fibroids, Depo Provera injections have proven to be effective for many women in stopping excessive bleeding. However, the fact that there are also patients who have experienced serious adverse effects cannot be ignored. The best results can be achieved by carefully evaluating the patient’s specific conditions, weighing the risks, and considering her future plans when it comes to child-bearing. It’s always a good idea to discuss your options with your doctor if you are thinking of taking Depo Provera shots to control your bleeding due to uterine fibroids.