Are eating organic eggs, blueberries and bananas any good or bad at reducing uterine fibroids in the uterus?

Eggs, Blueberries, and Bananas – Are They Good for Reducing Uterine Fibroids?

Eating a healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day and to give your body enough energy to get you through the day. You want to make sure that you are choosing the right breakfast foods. If you have uterine fibroids, you want to find out if your regular breakfast staples eggs, blueberries, and bananas are good or bad for you. The good news is that these food items are indeed helpful in reducing uterine fibroids in the uterus. Here’s why:

Organic Eggs

It  has to be stressed that it is important that the eggs you eat should be organic in the first place. There are chemicals that are known to contribute to fibroids development and growth. Some of these are called xenoestrogens. Organic eggs do not contain these toxins and will not trigger fibroids growth.  They also provide you with your protein requirement especially since it is not advisable to eat a lot of meat if you have fibroids.

Organic eggs are a rich source of vitamins A and D. Studies have shown that women who consumed more vitamin A were less at risk of getting fibroids. The vitamin D that can be found in yolks, on the other hand, are known to prevent fibrous tissue from forming fibroids in the uterus.

Be careful of the eggs that you buy and make sure that they truly are organic. Always buy from a reputable source and read and understand what’s written on the packaging. In the US, the label should read certified organic or USDA organic.


These are versatile bite-sized fruits that you can eat any time of the day. Small as they are, they contain more antioxidants to combat damaging free radicals. They also help in regulating blood sugar levels and prevent insulin spikes that often lead to weight gain and uterine fibroids growth.

This superfood contains the most nutrients per unit among all berries. A single cup serving already packs 24% of your Vitamin C RDI. It provides you with 36% and 25% of your RDI for vitamin K and manganese respectively. You get 84 calories per serving with 4 grams of fiber and 15 grams of carbohydrates.

The best way to get the benefits of blueberries for fibroids is to eat them raw. The simplest way to enjoy them is to pop them in your mouth piece by piece like M&Ms. You can also add them to your cereals, salads, and whole wheat pancakes or waffles.


Here’s another reliable source of nutrients for a healthy uterus diet. The nutritional content of bananas gives benefits for your eyes, your hear, and your mental disposition. This consequently eases the symptoms of fibroids.

Bananas are among the fruits with the highest potassium content. They are also high in fiber. A medium sized banana, about seven inches long and 118 grams in weight, would give you 89 calories with 358mg of potassium and 2.6 grams of dietary fiber. Each serving gives you 10% or your RDA for both potassium and dietary fiber. It also gives you 20% of your RDA for Vitamin B-6.

Bananas are usually eaten raw and are available in most places all year round. The down-side about bananas is that they can easily get squished and they turn brown rather quickly. If you’re taking them on-the-go, you just have to take extra care in packing them properly. An alternative would be to turn your bananas into a smoothie and put it in an insulated bottle to keep it cold for hours.

All Day Breakfast Fare

These breakfast staples are not just great for starting your day with. In fact, just one serving of these foods is not enough to give you the nutrients that you need. You can have organic eggs, blueberries, and bananas all day as snacks and in your meals. Find recipes online for different healthy dishes that include these in the ingredients list to increase the chances of reducing uterine fibroids in the uterus.