Can Ceylon cinnamon powder, avocado and fish oil be used to heal uterine fibroids tumor in the uterus?

Using Common Kitchen Finds to Heal Uterine Fibroids

Treating your uterine fibroids and shrinking your tumor in the uterus is not difficult or complicated. Several natural ingredients might already be in your pantry. You could easily purchase natural cures from your local produce market too.

If you want to heal your fibroid tumors in the uterus, you want to find out what foods you can eat and what foods you should avoid. Check out these common pantry products that you might encounter in your search for natural remedies for your fibroids and see if they are good for you:

Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

There’s probably not a soul in the world who is not familiar with cinnamon. It’s a popular flavor and scent everywhere in the world. For many years, this brown spice has been used not only for food and cosmetics, but also in natural treatments for various ailments.

Healing properties can be found in Ceylon cinnamon — which is consider to be true cinnamon. It is used both by Eastern and Western herbalists as an antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal treatment.

To heal uterine fibroids tumor in the uterus, cinnamon powder can be use as tea. Mix an eight of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water. You can drink this tea three times a day. You can also take a spoonful of cinnamon and honey if you do not have time to sit down and sip your tea.


A healthy fibroids diet includes a lot of high fiber fruits and vegetables. These give you ample doses of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals essential for maintaining hormone balance, balancing blood sugar levels, and flushing out toxins from the body.

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits that you can include in your fibroids diet. It’s a good source of potassium and healthy fats. It’s also versatile enough to eat on its own or added to your sweet and savory dishes, sandwiches, and snacks.

Fish Oil

Another rich source of healthy fats is fish oil. It contains high amounts of essential fatty acids that you need to fight inflammation and maintain hormonal balance. Fish oil is also a good source of Vitamin D which has been found to be effective in shrinking uterine fibroids.

Cod liver oil is a popular source of Omega-3 fatty acids. You can also eat high-fat fish like mackerel, tuna, and salmon. Make sure, however, that these food are not processed or prepared with other unhealthy ingredients. There are also supplements that make it more convenient for you to take the right amount of fish oil regularly.

Eating for Health

Whether you are experiencing painful symptoms or not, it is important for you to eat a healthy diet when you have fibroid tumors in your uterus. It is also best for you to avoid alcohol and cigarettes. These trigger inflammation and “feed” fibroids with the hormones that they need to grow.

Since a lot of patients with fibroids in their uterus have also be found to have high blood pressure, it is also necessary to keep your blood pressure in check by limiting your salt intake and managing your stress levels. If you want to heal your uterine fibroids, you have to eat and live healthy.