Can pineapples help shrink uterine fibroids? How does pineapples dissolves and cure uterine leiomyomas?

The Truth About Pineapples and Uterine Fibroids

Pineapples are not in the list of superfoods without good reason. They are loaded with nutrients and photochemical that give the body a host of health benefits. For uterine leiomyomas, pineapples have been mentioned in many articles and studies as one of the most effective natural ways to shrink uterine fibroids.

An Effective Fibroids Cure

The power of pineapples against fibroids comes from its Bromelain content. This enzyme has been found in studies to have the ability to help reduce fibroids due to its fibrinolytic properties.

As a systemic enzyme, Bromelain works within the blood to help in the break down of proteins in the layers of fibrin that make up fibroids. As a digestive enzyme, it helps make the digestive process more efficient to allow for better absorption of nutrients.

While there have been studies on how effective pineapples are in shrinking uterine leiomyomas, there are no conclusive declarations as to the healing properties of pineapples. Although this superfood can indeed help in the reduction of the size of fibroids, eating pineapples alone will not cure fibroids. A combination of diet and methods intended to balance hormones and reduce inflammation is recommended.

Optimal Reproductive and Overall Health

There are more reasons for you to start adding this superfood to your diet to dissolve your uterine leiomyomas:

  1. Pineapples are natural antioxidants – free radical damage from oxidative stress is known to cause or aggravate a number of ailments and diseases. For uterine fibroids, antioxidants serve to protect the uterine tissue from further damage. Pineapples are rich in antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc – nutrients that help in balancing hormonal levels and maintaining a healthy reproductive system.
  2. Pineapples contain nutrients to combat the effects of estrogen – fibroids are believed to be affected by hormonal imbalance – more specifically, high estrogen levels. The vitamin C in pineapples help the body flush out toxins that cause estrogen spikes and fibroids growth in the body.
  3. Pineapples are low in glycemic index – high insulin levels are linked to higher estrogen levels too. That’s why it is important for women with fibroids to stick to food with low glycemic index scores. Pineapples are among the fruits with low GI scores so they do not add to your risk of developing fibroids. It’s good to eat pineapples with healthy fat and protein. Raw pineapples have a lower GI score than pineapple juice and canned pineapples. Other low GI foods are recommended for dissolving and curing fibroids in the uterus.
  4. Pineapples are high in dietary fiber – a high-fiber diet is not beneficial only to the digestive system. It is also good for balancing hormones and regulating blood sugar levels. Both of these help in reducing and preventing the further growth of fibroids. Eat pineapples raw and get 5% of your fiber RDA for every 100 gram-serving.

It’s not only apples that you should have everyday to keep the doctor away. Make sure you have the recommended servings of pineapples in your meals to dissolve and cure uterine leiomyomas. Along with pineapples, include other uterus-friendly ingredients in your meals to manage your uterine fibroids.