Can uterine fibroids cause varicose veins, vertigo and vibration?

Can Uterine Fibroids Cause Varicose Veins, Vertigo, and Vibration

Many women who have uterine fibroids often do not suspect that they have these benign tumors because they do not feel any symptoms. It is easy to shrug off the signs and perhaps even misinterpret them since they could be similar to other more known and common health conditions and issues. Varicose veins, vertigo, and vibration are some of these concerns that could manifest symptoms similar to uterine leiomyomas. They are not necessarily caused by fibroids, but there are some underlying causes and symptoms that could link them to the tumor growths.

The Uterine Fibroid Link

Varicose Veins — these are commonly seen on the legs, but they can also occur in the pelvic area. These are caused by the weakening of the valves that control the flow of blood through the veins – more specifically, those that carry blood upwards and against gravity.

Weakened valves in the veins are not able to prevent the blood from flowing backward into a pool and causing the vein to bulge. When they form in the veins in the pelvis, the condition is often diagnosed as pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS). It may also be referred to as a pelvic venous flow disorder.

The symptoms of PCS are similar to the symptoms of uterine fibroids — dull ache in the lower back and abdomen, urination problems, painful intercourse, and more severe menstrual pain. Also like the growth of fibroids, the formation of pelvic varicose veins has a lot to do with the surge of female hormones. They also have the same treatment options, i.e. hormonal/birth control pills, embolisation, and hysterectomy.

Vertigo — this can be a condition on its own or a symptom of other ailments.

When it strikes, the patient experiences the sensation of ‘spinning dizziness.’ Fibroids in the uterus do not have anything to do with vertigo. It is caused by a problem either in the inner ear or in one of the sensory nerve pathways.

Patients with fibroids could experience vertigo-like symptoms including dizziness, nausea, weakness, and vomiting. These symptoms are not directly caused by the tumor growths. They are usually caused by the severe pain or the excessive blood loss from heavy bleeding.

The treatments and medications for vertigo are varied and are dependent on the identified causes and on the reported symptoms. There are some cases that resolve on their own without medical treatment. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics or antihistamines for vertigo as the case may be. Surgery could also be an option when the ear structure is involved.

Vibration — some women would also complain about pelvic tremors or vibrations. These are not caused by fibroids in the uterus per se. They are more likely due to nerve compression or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Like fibroids, pelvic tremors are observed to be linked to hormones and menopause too. The sensations range from pins and needles to vibrations and numbness.

Women who experience vibrations due to PID would have other symptoms consistent with fibroids too. Some of these symptoms are pelvic pain, uterine bleeding, and vaginal discharge. When the patient’s temperature rises into a fever, it could be due to an infection. A visit to the gynecologist would give a clear diagnosis.


A lot of health conditions and ailments could have similar symptoms especially if they affect organs and body parts in the same area. What might seem to be uterine fibroids could be some other illness. It is never safe to self-diagnose and self-medicate. A doctor’s consult and medical checkup is necessary. Patients have to be observant enough to be able to describe the sensations and symptoms in detail during their medical consultation.