Can uterine fibroids make you constipated and have blood in your stool?

Bloody Poop: Is This a Sign of Uterine Fibroids?

It could be alarming to see red in your poop. A bright red streak on your stools could be because of a tear in the anus, usually due to painful and difficult passing. Any bleeding should prompt you to see your doctor so you can address the root cause. Conditions like having uterine fibroids could make you constipated and have blood in your stool.

On the Lookout

If you are not looking at what’s in the toilet after you pee or poop, you could miss important warning signs of a possible health concern. One ‘unusual’ occurrence to watch out for is blood in your stool. This can be observed through a visual check. You may also find blood on the tissue you use to wipe off after pooping.

This kind of bleeding could be a sign of anal fissure due to constipation. It could also be an indicator of inflammation, infection, tumors, and colon problems. To know for sure, you should see a doctor and undergo diagnostic tests. Aside from a physical examination, some of the tests that might be ordered by your doctor include: fecalysis, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy.

When Fibroids are the Culprit

A physical exam could reveal the presence of uterine fibroids. The details that you share during the medical history taking will allow your doctor to assess and diagnose your condition more accurately. Other symptoms like pelvic pain, weakness and fatigue, heavy bleeding, and bloating would be consistent with a case of fibroids.

Constipation and blood in your stools happen when you have large fibroids pushing down on your rectum. These are usually fibroids located under the uterus. The symptoms could also include hemorrhoids. The solution is to remove the compression on the rectum. This means reducing the size of the fibroids or removing them.

Treating Your Fibroids

Unfortunately, reducing the size of fibroids is not all that easy. The fastest and most effective way to treat fibroids is to remove the tumors through surgery and latest modalities of treatment. Dietary and lifestyle changes will also be advised to help soften your stools and relieve your constipation. A high-fiber diet will sweep your gut and intestines efficiently and will allow you to pass stools without difficulty.

It’s not just your constipation and bloody stools that will be resolved when you get rid of your fibroids. All other symptoms of fibroids will stop. However, you might experience other symptoms as a result of treatment. The kind of treatment that will be prescribed for you will depend on a number of factors including the severity of your symptoms, the location and size of your fibroids growth, your age, and your fertility outlook among others.

Uterine fibroids can make you constipated and have blood in your stool, but these symptoms are not exclusive to these tumors alone. There are other conditions that could give you the same symptoms. Have yourself checked right away before you start any medications or treatment. The longer you go without an accurate diagnosis of what is causing your constipation and bloody stools, the more likely it is for your symptoms to worsen and your condition to progress into something more serious.