How serious are uterine fibroids tumors? Are uterine leiomyomas dangerous, life threatening, can kill you or lead to your fatal death?

The Serious Case of Uterine Fibroids Tumors

The word ‘tumor’ invokes a lot of dire thoughts. More specifically, people usually think of cancer and other life threatening illnesses when they hear the word. Being diagnosed as having uterine fibroids tumors could give you a scare. The good news is that this condition is not fatal. The bad news is that the pain, in extreme cases, could make you say “it’s killing me!”

What Fibroids Tumors Really Are

Fibroids tumors or uterine leiomyomas are abnormal growths in uterus. They form over time and can grow to varying sizes and affect the body in different ways. It is possible to have a single tumor or multiple tumors that grow in clusters. Each fibroid has a stem or stalk through which it latches on to the uterus.

The cause of fibroids growth is not exactly known even by doctors and medical professionals. However, researches have found hormonal and genetic factors affecting fibroids growth. Those who have fibroids in their family history and those who are suffering from normal imbalance are at risk of developing fibroids.

These tumors are not dangerous or life threatening. They are non-cancerous and are not likely to make you predisposed to developing uterine cancer. Medical studies show that majority of the female population would have uterine leiomyomas by the time they reach the age of 50. Yet, not all of these women would experience symptoms at all.

The Dangers of Uterine Leiomyomas

Uterine fibroids will not kill you. But, their symptoms can be quite difficult to deal with. In most cases, it is when these symptoms start bothering patients when they finally see a doctor and get diagnosed with fibroids.

Rather large uterine leiomyomas tend to cause heavy bleeding and pain in the pelvic area during and in between periods. There have been reports of women regularly taking time off from work due to heavy bleeding and weakness due to anemia and pain. Yet, these women did not think it necessary to see their doctors to ask about what’s wrong with them. This is where the dangers lie. Not being able to treat and manage fibroids can result in complications.

Other symptoms that indicate that you could have uterine leiomyomas include: stomach aches, abdominal distention, constipation or diarrhea, frequent or difficult urination, and painful intercourse.

What to Do with Fibroids Tumors

Normally, doctors would simply give you advice on how to manage your symptoms. If they are causing you more trouble than you can handle, you might be advised to undergo surgery. There are several procedures that range from conventional methods to new more technological advanced techniques.

More permanent results are achieved through hysterectomy or the removal of the entire uterus. However, this could be a problem for those who wish to get pregnant. Other procedures like myomectomy, uterine artery embolization, and ultrasound therapy could be recommended. These options should be thoroughly researched and discussed with a specialist.

Although uterine fibroids are not serious or fatal on their own, you still would want to take action on any symptoms that you are experiencing. There’s a lot that you can do to prevent fibroids from becoming dangerous – from natural remedies and diet regimens to shrink your fibroids to medical and surgical solutions to completely get rid of your tumors.