Top 10 best natural alternative home remedies to clear uterine fibroids from the uterus!

While uterine fibroids do not usually put your life at risk, they’re not easy to live with. In some cases, they come with extreme pain and bothersome symptoms. Intensive treatment may not be necessary. In fact, some doctors would recommend a treatment plan composed of a combination of methods.

If you are looking for natural treatments to clear uterine fibroids from the uterus, here are 10 of the best natural alternative home remedies:

  1. Lose weight – there are scientific studies that point to excess weight and obesity as a risk factor in getting developing fibroids. Note that fibroids are affected by estrogen and progesterone levels. Higher estrogen levels are noted in people with more fat cells. Losing fat weight, therefore, would logically help prevent fibroids.
  2. Eat more fiber-rich unprocessed food – you can achieve weight loss to prevent, remove, or reduce the fibroids in your uterus by adding more fiber in your diet. Fiber-rich food help curb your appetite and balance your hormones too. Have a bigger portion of veggies and leafy greens in your meals. Snack on fruits instead of chips.
  3. Avoid simple refined carbohydrates – sugar and spice does not always make everything nice. More sugar in your diet could actually make your fibroids worse. You do not want too increase the level of blood sugar in your body and spike your insulin. Stay away from food and drinks with a lot of sugar. Cutting down on cakes and pastries will be good for you. Include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as mainstays in your diet.
  4. Increase intake of brightly colored natural/raw food – put more color on your plate to control your fibroids. Fruits and vegetables in bright colors (red, orange, yellow, green, etc.) are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Eat more salad greens, tomatoes, apples, and peppers among many other healthy produce.
  5. Load up on dairy – there are nutrients that have been found to manage fibroids. These include milk and other dairy products. The calcium content of dairy as well as the phosphorus and magnesium in these food products are helpful in the prevention of fibroid growth.
  6. Take vitamins and supplements – scientific research studies have proven that low intake of certain vitamins and minerals could increase your risk of getting fibroids. You want to make sure that you have ample amounts of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamins B-1 and B-6, vitamin E, and magnesium. Getting more omega-3 fatty acids is also recommended.
  7. Manage your blood pressure levels – aside from many other health conditions, high blood pressure levels have also been linked to fibroids. Manage your health risks by keeping your blood pressure under control. Have regular medical exams and monitor your blood pressure. Also, stay away from food that are high in sodium.
  8. Consider herbal alternatives – there are no conclusive tests that prove the effectivity of herbal remedies, but many consumers have attested that they do work in managing their condition and easing their symptoms. It’s always advisable to check with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Guizhi fuling is one of the herbal formulations used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fibroids. Other popular herbal remedies for fibroids are green tea, chasteberry, senna, and castor oil.
  9. Exercise regularly – this is another constant health tip. In women with fibroids, exercise helps in weight and stress management. You do not have to do extreme fitness or high intensity cardio training. Simple 30-minute walks can already give you health benefits. You can check out low intensity workout programs at your local gym or do tai chi or yoga on your own at home.
  10. Relax – stress is also a known culprit of fibroids, so take a breather and get those kinks out every so often. Soak up all your stress in a warm bath, get a massage, or do yoga. Manage your stress levels to manage your fibroids too.

While these 10 best natural alternative home remedies for uterine fibroids have been found by many to be helpful in easing symptoms, there are no guarantees that they will be beneficial to you. Your own symptoms and the severity of your condition, among others, will affect how your body responds to these natural treatments. Always consult your doctor before taking any steps to ease your symptoms.