Top 5 popular juicing recipes to drink for uterine fibroids tumors reduction!

Uterine fibroids can be treated in various ways. It can be treated by surgery like hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and myomectomy (removal of the fibroids).

Aside from surgery, a well-balanced diet plan can also help. Juicing is also a method on how to reduce fibroid size.

The following are the top 5 juicing recipes for fibroid treatment

  1. Ginger-Turmeric Juice


One pinky sized knob of turmeric

One pinky sized knob of ginger

A bunch of greens like arugula, kale and Swiss chard

Two lemons

One beetroot

A bunch of spinach

To sweeten add 2-3 apples

Beets and spinach has lots of iron. This fights of iron-deficiency anemia. This is the result of heavy menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids.

  1. Green and mean


A bunch of parsley

1 cucumber

2 medium apples

½ inch of ginger

2 cups of spinach

1 lemon

3 stalks of celery

Apples are good in cleansing the liver. This promotes liver function. This allows the liver to metabolize estrogen. This prevents the fibroids from growing bigger.

  1. Sweet juice


One apple

One thick ring of pineapple

One slice of deseeded watermelon

The juice is packed with vitamin C that helps boost the immune system. Watermelon also cleanses the liver.

  1. Honey-Aloe Juice


One teaspoon of honey

One lemon

One glass of pure water

One cup of aloe pulp

One teaspoon of pollen

Aloe and honey have anti-inflammatory properties. They also help soothe pain.

  1. Garlic-carrots –beets


Two cloves of garlic

2-3 carrots

One beet

This drink has a couple of vitamins needed to boost the immune system. Carrots have beta-carotene. This promotes the growth and repair of tissues.

The Juicing recipes are just some of the more popular recipes available. You can do different juices, depending on the available ingredients you have.

You can juice apples, carrots, and greens like mustard leaves. You can also add citrus fruits in your juices. Orange, lemons and lime are some examples.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, Bok Choy, collard greens, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower have Di-Indole methane. This substance helps balance hormone levels.

Herbal teas are also good. They help soothe fibroid symptoms. They decrease inflammation and rebalance some hormones.

The following are teas that can help:

Teas made with:

Dandelion root, red raspberry, yellow dock, chaste berry, milk thistle, and nettle

Some important notes:

Most fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides and food preservatives. This can increase estrogen levels. It is best to buy organic produce. If not, then wash them properly or best to peel them before juicing.

Don’t use refined sugar to sweeten the drink. It is best to use fruits with natural sugar like apples and peaches.

Drink only about 8 to 9 ounces of juice a day. Overdoing it can cause problems related to the kidney and stomach.

Prepare only what you need to drink. It is best not to keep juice for a later time. It might get exposed to other elements that can affect the fibroids.