What are the natural treatments to cure uterine fibroids in the uterus without surgery? How to shrink uterine leiomyomas naturally without the need of operations?

Surgical treatments for uterine fibroids may sound like the best solution for most women. However, the financial costs for pre-medication, post-medication, and the surgery itself can prove to be a difficult matter.

Patients who undergo a myomectomy or hysterectomy will need to go through physical and mental preparation beforehand. Likewise, the recovery period can take a long time, and may temporarily prevent the patient from doing everyday activities.

Women with severe uterine fibroids may feel like they have no choice in the matter other than surgery. Some women even consider leaving the fibroids as is, which further increases the chances of heavier health complications. This may be due to insufficient funds or simply being unable to go through the procedure.

But, surgery isn’t the only answer. Alternative cures such as natural treatments do exist for leiomyoma. Remedies that can help get rid of fibroids can range from simple home care to a complete change in lifestyle. In fact, keeping a healthy lifestyle is a guaranteed way of preventing fibroids from reappearing.

Herbal Cures

Though herbal remedies need more research, studies have shown positive results in its usage. Remedies such as traditional Chinese medicine, teas, herbs and oils are known to reduce symptoms and cure fibroids.

Fibroid growth can be slowed down with the use of Ghuizhi fuling. This is a formula made up of herbs that maintain a healthy uterus. It is made up of poria, cortex moutan, seme persicae and other helpful herbs.

Another recommended remedy is chasteberry, also known as vitex. This herb is given to those who suffer abnormal and painful menstrual bleeding, as well as other uterine complications. Chasteberry can also keep hormones in check.

For patients who suffer from constipation and other symptoms relating to the bladder, laxatives like isphagula husk added to water can relieve pain. Herbal oils like castor oil is another useful remedy for constipation.

Diets and Nutrition

The root cause of most leiomyoma cases lies in a woman’s diet. According to a study, obese women are prone to developing uterine complications. This is largely due to an increased production of estrogen, which is brought about by fat cells. With this in mind, women need to eat less and exercise often to stop fibroids from developing any further.

Nutrition is a key part of treatment. A woman’s daily diet should be balanced and moderate. There is a study claiming that certain food can increase the size of leiomyoma, like red meats, sweets and alcohol. Foods rich in carbohydrates can cause fibroids too. These include corn syrup, cereal, crackers, chips and ingredients like white rice.

Food items full of fiber can greatly help balance hormones and stop excessive weight gain. Other than fiber, fruits, vegetables and dairy are beneficial to a woman’s health. These foods contain the necessary nutrients and vitamins needed to prevent fibroids.

Using supplements is another way of keeping a healthy body. It is scientifically proven that patients with low levels of vitamin A and D are vulnerable to fibroid development. Vitamins such as vitamin B-1, vitamin B-6 and vitamin E, as well as magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids can also prevent leiomyoma.


Some women can’t afford herbal remedies or natural oils. For this reason, exercise is another alternative, especially activities that can relieve stress. Yoga, massage therapies or even a simple, warm bath can help prevent fibroid growth.

The most important cure to fibroids is diligence and patience. By keeping a strong and positive mind, the chances for uterine fibroids are greatly decreased. Overall, keeping healthy in both mind and body is a sure way to fight back against the disease.