What friendly diets the Dr. Oz show recommends as cure and hysterectomy alternative treatments for uterine fibroids in the uterus (uterine leiomyomas tumors)

Friendly diets for uterine fibroids are diets that can help reduce or eliminate the tumors. These diets are easy to follow, and can be easily digested.

Dr. Oz recommends the following diets as cure for uterine fibroids in the uterus:

Increased vitamin D diet

The diet includes food with high vitamin D content. Vitamin D is a kind of hormone. It maintains the health of bones and teeth. Vitamin D also supports the overall health of the immune system.

Foods with high vitamin D content include herring, sardines, cod liver oil, oysters, and shrimps, among others.

This is mostly ideal for African-American women. This is because they have low natural Vitamin D in their body. This can cause fibroids.

Low fat diet

Low fat diet is a food plan that has low fat content. Fat can alter liver function. When this happens, the liver will not be able to metabolize properly. This means it will not be able to filter out harmful stuff from the body.

Having a low fat diet means consuming less of the red meat that includes beef.

Low carbohydrate diet

Foods that are high in carbohydrates increase weight. Weight gain for those who have fibroids will make it difficult for them to metabolize the needed vitamins.

Low carbohydrate fruits include watermelon, avocados, peaches, honeydew, strawberries, and cantaloupe.

Low carbohydrate vegetables include cucumbers, celery, spinach, iceberg lettuce, white mushrooms, tomatoes and Swiss chard.

Having a low carbohydrate diet helps reduce the possibility of fibroids to grow bigger.

Lean meats such as turkey and skinless chicken have a low fat content.  Skimmed milk, and low fat yoghurt and cheese are okay to take.

White fish, fruits, vegetables, and lentils can also be included in a low fat diet.

What other methods can be used to treat uterine fibroids aside from hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is the removal of the whole uterus. This is usually done for women who have fibroids in their menopausal age.

It is one of the options that doctors lay on the table, but there are other options that can get rid of the uterine fibroids and save the uterus.


This is a procedure that removes the fibroid while keeping the uterus intact. This is done by cutting the fibroid. The doctor will use cauterization. Cauterization is a process that involves cutting and burning the flesh. The cut will close immediately. This means there will be minimal bleeding, and recovery will be fast.

Radiofrequency Ablation

This is also known as RFA. It is a minimally invasive procedure to treat fibroids. This procedure uses laparoscopy. This means they use heat to destroy the fibroid tissue.

This can be used in different sized tumors found in different locations. The goal is to shrink the fibroids.

Uterine Artery Embolization

This procedure destroys the fibroids. A catheter goes through the leg and into the uterus. Inside the catheter are tiny particles. The particles block the blood flowing into the fibroid.  Since there is no more blood flow, the fibroid will shrink. This procedure helps ease the symptoms of fibroids.