What is the best plant-based diet for uterine fibroids in the uterus consist of? Will it work to eradicate uterine leiomyomas?

Vegetables and fruits are considered a staple of any healthy diet. To a sufferer of uterine fibroids, a plant-based diet is the most efficient way to shrink or remove leiomyomas. A plant-based diet is full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. These nutrients are capable of lowering estrogen, reducing body weight, and improving overall immunity and digestive health.

Listed below are plant-based foods that eliminate uterine fibroids.


High-fiber fruits such as apples, avocados, pears, strawberries, raspberries and bananas are essential for effective weight loss. These fruits provide the body with antioxidants and vitamins that can prove beneficial to one’s overall health. Fruits are also a good replacement for sugary snacks and desserts.

Low intakes of vital nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, D and K can worsen leiomyomas and may increase their size. Scientific studies highly recommend fibroid sufferers to incorporate fruits as a regular part of their diet. One to two servings of fruits after every meal is the suggested amount.


Vegetables go hand-in-hand with fruits in a plant-based diet. This is due to the wide array of benefits they give to the human body. For example, cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens are low in calories and carbohydrates, which is useful for curing leiomyomas. Other helpful vegetables are carrots, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Women who suffer from leiomyomas often experience symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding. Eating vitamin C-rich vegetables can reduce these symptoms and help get rid of fibroids. A few vegetables rich in vitamin C are spinach, red peppers, green peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Legumes include beans, peanuts, chickpeas, green peas, and lentils. Legumes are a beneficial part of a plant-based diet because of their fiber-rich properties. They help balance hormone levels, and reduce weight gain. Legumes are also abundant in protein, and can replace meat in many vegetarian diets.

Legumes are a flexible ingredient in the culinary world. They can be eaten by themselves, or added to soups and stews. Women who are new to dieting can slowly transition into a diet with chickpeas and lentils. Foods made of black beans, soybeans and pinto beans are a useful alternative for people who regularly eat meat.


Turnips, yams, potatoes and sweet potatoes are the best tubers for a plant-based diet. Though they aren’t as rich in vitamins as other vegetables, tubers are bulky sources of dietary fiber. They are also full of potassium, magnesium and protein, which make up most of the necessary daily nutrients.

Potatoes are especially versatile tubers when it comes to being cooked. They can easily fill one’s appetite no matter how it is made and can prove to be a satisfying meal. For those who struggle to keep up with diets, tubers are great for keeping people in check with their meal plan.


Herbs are the main ingredients in many natural remedies. Mint, garlic, rosemary, cinnamon, mint, turmeric and nutmeg can cure uterine fibroids, as well as the variety of symptoms associated with leiomyomas. Other than fibroids, herbs can cure several kinds of sicknesses such as diabetes and nausea.

Making tea is the best way to include herbs in a plant-based diet. After a meal, one cup of herbal tea can help relax the body and boost immunity. Some herbs can be made into laxatives, which can help those who suffer from bowel-related symptoms. Using herbs as spices in a dish can also help shrink fibroids.