What is the best vegan diet for uterine fibroids in the uterus consist of? Can a vegan diet cure uterine leiomyomas?

Uterine fibroid is a condition that is not severe unless neglected. Fibroids can be easily removed by having a healthy diet. One of the most suggested food to include to reduce these lumps are fruits and vegetables. Others would recommend a full vegan diet.

Studies have shown that people who consume a lot of meat and alcohol are at risk of fibroids. They also provided evidence that a diet focusing on vegetables provides less risk.

A vegan diet does not merely involve consuming fruits and vegetables that are within reach. Some plants can boost estrogen levels, which you should avoid. A high estrogen level increases the number and size of fibroids.

Unprocessed soy sauce or miso is good to include in your diet. Soy contains isoflavone, a compound that gives off the anti-estrogen effect of soy. However, it was also stated that isoflavone could regulate estrogen production. So, soy sauce has a so-so impact when it comes to lessening estrogen.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber help in flushing out the excess estrogen in your body. Some vegetables contain phytoestrogen, which is like the hormone, estrogen. However, unlike the human hormone, it is more beneficial in large amounts.

Phytoestrogen blocks the binding of estrogen to its receptor. Unbound estrogen is easily flushed away during the process of excretion.

Leafy vegetables like cabbage and kale are an excellent addition to your food plan. These leafy greens contain indole-3-carbinol, which inhibits the formation of fibroids.

Fibroids cause blood loss that, in turn, can lead to anemia. So, you should include food rich in iron in your diet. Cashew, whole-grain bread and dark leafy vegetables are iron-rich foods.

Omega 3x food products help in reducing blood pressure. Since these benign tumors are linked with high blood pressure, consuming omega-3x can help reduce fibroids. Fish oils and tuna are a good source of omega-3x.

A liver overloaded with toxins will produce excess estrogen. To avoid this, detoxify your organs by consuming milk thistle. Garlic is also a good antioxidant; same with citrus fruits.

Turmeric can be consumed in the form of a spice or as a tea extract. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin. Curcumin has the potential to relieve pain caused by fibroids.

Green tea extract is one of the best beverages to relieve fibroids. Green tea contains polyphenols. Polyphenols help in regulating hormone production, preventing tumor formation. Green tea also helps address iron-deficiency.

You can also include supplements in your diet. Supplements are also necessary since vegan diet does not provide all the needed nutrients.

A vegan diet can eliminate fibroids, and can prevent new ones from forming. Studies have shown that women consuming vegetables have reduced uterine leiomyomas. Dietary fibers are also said to lessen fibroid formation.

Doctors also recommend going on a vegan diet since these foods help in maintaining the balance of estrogen level. They also remove toxins in your body that could contribute to the overproduction of estrogen.

Having this diet was proven to relieve fibroids, but it would take a very long time.