Will eating oyster and white or dark chocolate shrink uterine fibroids tumor in the uterus?

Eating Your Way to Recovery from Uterine Fibroids: What Oysters and Chocolates Can Do for Your Tumor

In the case of uterine fibroids, or tumors in the uterus, eating the right kinds of food can actually help you shrink your tumors so you do not have to experience any discomfort or pain. You do not have to wait until they are bothersome for you to do something about your condition. Once you have been diagnosed with the condition, you have to take action right away to prevent the tumors from growing bigger. Better yet, even without a diagnosis, it would be a good idea to start changing your diet into one that will help you avoid developing fibroids in the first place.

Known aphrodisiacs oysters and chocolate are not only good for sparking love and passion. They are also good for treating fibroids in the uterus. Separately, they have their own healthy components that shrink tumors in the uterus or prevent them from developing and growing.

White or Dark Chocolate

Not all types of chocolate are good for treating fibroids. You only want dark chocolate with at least 75% cocoa content — some recommend 85% cocoa content, but this could be a tad on the bitter side. It’s best if you can find chocolate that’s made from organic cocoa. The anti-oxidants or flavonoids in dark chocolate helps improve your blood circulation. They also have additional health benefits for the heart. Nutrition experts, however, advise you to watch the calorie content of the chocolates that you consume.

White chocolate does not contain cocoa, so you do not really stand to gain from eating it for your fibroids. Besides, like milk chocolate, it contains dairy that could be harmful for your already haywire metabolic makeup. Most dairy products have some amount of estrogen that’s why they are in the list of foods to avoid when you have fibroids.

Even soy milk is not recommended because of its high estrogen content.


Eating oysters is good for women who are at risk of iron deficiency anemia due to uterine fibroids. Other seafood like shrimp and clams are also recommended to be included in your diet if you have tumors in your uterus. In Chinese herbal medicine, even oyster shells and other seashells are combined with other herbs and ingredients, soaked together and simmered into a healing concoction to shrink fibroids in the uterus.

Your Diet and Fibroids

Whether you subscribe to western medicine, eastern medicine, or alternative forms of medicine, they all have the same advice for patients with fibroids — follow a healthy diet that maintains hormonal balance and promotes healthy blood circulation. This kind of diet supports a healthy uterus to prevent the growth of fibroids or shrink fibroids if they have already developed.

If you are overweight, it is likewise recommended for you to take steps to shed those excess pounds to keep fibroids away. Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake as well to avoid overloading and straining your liver and hampering it from flushing out excess estrogen from the body. With the right diet and lifestyle changes, you can be free of the symptoms of uterine fibroids for good.