Can uterine fibroids cause pain during penile penetration and bleeding after intercourse?

Uterine fibroids are benign smooth muscle tumors of the uterus. Their sizes can range from a small pea to a watermelon. A woman could be affected with only one fibroid or multiple fibroids.

There are three groups of fibroids based on where they grow:

  1. Intramural– fibroids that grow within the wall of the uterus
  2. Subserosal– fibroids that grow on the outside of the uterus
  3. Sub mucosal– fibroids grow into the uterine cavity

Symptoms include severe menstrual bleeding, pain in the pelvic area and backache.

Fibroids can create a sensation of pressure that interferes with the sexual enjoyment and satisfaction. This happens when a woman have a large fibroid or multiple fibroids. These fibroids are usually sub mucosal.

In cases where the fibroids are close to the cervix, bleeding during the penile penetration can occur.  The cervix is the opening of the uterus. This is because the fibroids are being rubbed during the intercourse.

The hormonal imbalance caused by fibroids can also be a problem. This may lower libido. Small fibroids can influence the estrogen or progesterone relationship.

A lowered or even diminished sex drive may be an indication that fibroid/s is present.

Sexual intercourse for women who have fibroids can cause anxiety and stress. The bleeding can also create trauma wherein women will avoid sexual intercourse.

Penile penetration for women with fibroids can only cause pain if the fibroid is close to the cervix and if it is outside the uterus. The problem can be corrected if the fibroid shrinks and eventually removed.

Most women don’t realize that there’s a connection between sex drive and fibroids. This is because most fibroids don’t present any symptoms.

There are times where there is a shift in sexual desires, this is normal. If the disinterest in sex is not temporary or if there is pain and bleeding during or after an intercourse, it’s a time to seek professional help.

The following are some tips on fibroid pain during intercourse:

Be open about it to your partner

Talk to your partner about it. Explain to your partner that the fibroid/s is affecting your desire.  Explain to him that it also causes you pain during the intercourse. Don’t simple avoid intercourse, this may lead to much bigger issues.

Reassure him that it is temporary as fibroids are curable.

Don’t put off treatment

Fibroids can create intimacy problems such as low libido, pain during penile penetration and bleeding. If you are experiencing one or all of this, best to seek help immediately.

Speak to your doctor and don’t be hesitant to tell him these symptoms. Be honest about the sexual problems you are experiencing due to fibroids.

Be sure you understood all the treatment plans and talk to the doctor of which is the one most suitable for you.

Fibroids are not life threatening.

They are not cancerous but they can alter one’s life.  It can impact a women’s well-being. This includes loss of desire, painful sex and even fear of intimacy (sex).

The problem can be solved with treatment. Also remember that surgery is not the only treatment choice.