Where do uterine fibroids come from and what are the chances of getting pregnant with them?

Pregnancy is possible even though a woman has a uterine growth. Fertility is not usually affected. Yet, it can cause some complications and risks.

These tumors usually do not show any symptoms. It is also common since 70 percent of women have it.

Some growths do not cause pain or discomfort. That is the common reason why some expecting mothers were unaware of it. Fibroid tumors are common, but complications during pregnancy can be rare.

Complications during Pregnancy

Most of the time, a pregnant woman will find out that she has a fibroid during her initial checkup. During an ultrasound, it is possible to detect fibroid tumors.

Having a fibroid during pregnancy can make the delivery risky. It can cause the baby to move in an unnatural position. This situation can be a risk for preterm labor.

Fibroid during pregnancy can cause pain to the mother, especially in the pelvic area. Some may also experience heavy bleeding during the delivery.

Some women can experience light bleeding during pregnancy. It does not put the baby at risk as long as it is not heavy.

Some experts say that estrogen can play a huge factor during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can make the tumor change its size. It develops and grows faster during pregnancy.

It is common during reproductive age. In some cases, big tumors can cause a blockage.

If the tumor is at the cervical opening, it can be hard for delivery. Tumors inside the uterine wall can also cause problems when developing a baby. This increases the possibility of having a Cesarean delivery.

If the tumor is at the placenta, it can affect the blood supply for the baby. If this happens, the baby can be smaller in size. Breathing and temperature problems can also occur.

Fibroid tumors can also cause the baby’s membrane to rupture. As a result, the pregnant woman’s water will break. This might happen earlier than expected.

Severe complications can make doctors decide for immediate delivery. Especially if the mother or the baby is in danger.

Nausea and vomiting can also be present. As well as elevated white blood cells during pregnancy.

Only 10 to 30 percent of women experience complications during pregnancy. It can also increase the possibility of having an early delivery.


Tumors either shrink or grow during pregnancy. It can also be a cause of miscarriage.

If the fibroid is painful, bed rest can help. Applying ice packs can also soothe the painful area. Medication prescribed by the doctor can also support.

The pain usually goes within a few days. Ask your doctor about the safest treatment for you.


Your doctor can prescribe pain medications for your symptoms. The tumor is usually left alone during pregnancy.

If surgery is necessary, your doctor can carry it out after pregnancy. Surgery during pregnancy can put the baby at risk. That is why it is much better to wait.

Yet, in some cases, the removal of fibroid can happen during the second half pregnancy. Myomectomy is the surgical procedure done by doctors to remove this growth. It happens in complicated cases.

It is a good idea to get a check-up before having a baby. You can learn if your body is at its healthiest.

During pregnancy, proper intervention is important. As long as it does not cause a problem, a healthy and safe delivery is possible.