Will uterine fibroids cysts shrink with weight loss? Does it make you gain body weight or prevent weight loss as a symptom?

Many women are not aware of abnormal muscle growth in their uterus. There are no symptoms that would indicate the existence of a disease. Further, for those who are aware of having uterine fibroids (fibroids), the indications depend on the size, location, and the number of fibroids inside or outside the uterus.  But, a common symptom is unexplained weight gain.

What are they?

Fibroids are growths in the uterus which develop from normal muscle tissue and grow abnormally inside or outside the womb. The tumors are vascular, meaning, they contain an excessive supply of blood vessels coming from the arteries in the uterus.

This condition is common in women during their reproductive age. The National Institute of Health reports that 80% of women develop fibroids. Since many women show no symptoms of having fibroids, the incidence of the disease can be more.

The fibroids vary in size and location. They could be small such that it is not noticeable or they can grow and reach the rib cage, which can make your life miserable. They can grow slowly, enlarge quickly, or remain the same size for years.

Fibroids may shrink or, if a woman is pregnant and has fibroids, these may disappear after giving birth. Further, the risk of fibroids forming decrease upon reaching menopause and tumors shrink.

The link between uterine fibroids and weight loss

Often, the abnormal growth of mass in the uterus causes the womb to become distended. It is common for women afflicted with fibroid to complain of having pregnant-like abdomen. Doctors would describe the size of the belly as to how many weeks pregnant.

The growth of fibroid is influenced by the estrogen level, which increases due to the excess fat in the abdomen. This means that the more you gain weight, the more you are at risk of developing fibroids. And as the fibroid grows, the more you gain weight.

How to reduce the risk of developing fibroids the natural way

They are a number of ways to remove these growths. These include surgery, removal of the uterus, or forced early menopause.

1) Avoid environmental toxins and food that increase fibroid growth. You can start by removing unhealthy food from your diet, such as:

  • Processed meat
  • Fatty food
  • Refined sugar
  • Refined carbohydrates

2) Eat food that relieves the symptoms. Incorporating healthy food in your diet helps the process of reducing or preventing fibroids:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Beta-carotene rich food like kale, potatoes, and carrots
  • Whole grains
  • Herbal teas

3) Try supplements to reduce fibroid growth. Before doing so, be sure to consult with your doctor so these supplements do not interfere with medications you might be taking.

4) Exercise. It helps in blood circulation, improves insulin sensitivity, and regulates blood pressure.

You might consider the clinical and surgical treatments are the best options. But, not all fibroids need treatments. You can eliminate fibroids the natural way through healthy diet and changing your lifestyle.